Grinding Mill at Gams stream
This stone ball mill on the Gamsbach has been in operation since 2006 and forms unique balls from often inconspicuous rocks. Even from ordinary stream stones, unique and beautiful balls can be created. For this purpose, the stone is partially crushed, roughly pre-machined into blanks and shaped into balls. The stones are now placed between the rotating discs with running grooves. The mill is set in motion with the help of water power, the millstone and the stones begin to rotate and through friction become perfect balls after a few days. Through the circular grinding, the inner structure of the stone is visible in its most varied forms. The spheres are still cut and polished. The final product is a fantastic masterpiece and unique.
Further information is available from the supervisor of the stone ball mill:
Amandus Thaler, Tel. 0676/7197007
or from the GeoWerkstatt.